Engineering - Exam Papers - Higher Level - Project - 2015

150 Marks

To be complete by Friday 6th March 2015

Design Brief

  1. Introduction

    Amusement parks and family entertainment centres were traditionally characterised by the iconic roller-coaster. However, 21st Century amusement parks are defined by more compact mechanised thrill machines. This has been achieved by industrial robotic and electro-mechanical systems being re-configured, by design and motion specialists, in the field of entertainment. Leaders in this design environment are Robocoaster who have developed an electric passenger carrying machine, using industrial control technology, which has a passenger cart mounted in place of a tool. The distinctive features of the invention are the dynamic and flexible motion sequences, which can be safely created, within its working envelope.

    Design a model thrill machine to the general specifications outlined below.
    The machine should be your own unique design and should:

    (a) Be capable of moving in a linear or circular path;
    (b) Have a single seat passenger cart, attached to an arm, which can rotate through 360°;
    (c) Include a passenger safety harness;
    (d) Incorporate a switching panel to operate the machine.

    Presentation of the completed project should ensure that:

    (a) All main operating features are clearly visible without dismantling;
    (b) The longest dimension does not exceed 350 mm;
    (c) Electric power does not exceed 9 volts.

    Special Note: Modified toys are not acceptable.

  2. Design Process (40 marks)

    A design folio must be compiled which will detail your :

    1. Analysis of the given brief and investigation of possible solutions;

    2. Criteria for selection of your own individual solution and production drawings/plans;

    3. Testing and evaluation of your design solution;

    4. Special instructions, if required, regarding the testing of the solution by the examiner.

    Note: Marks are awarded as shown in Marking Scheme (below).
    Computer-aided design (CAD) should be used where possible.
  3. Design Realisation (110 marks)

    Using appropriate materials, make the model according to your own individual design plans. Computer numerical control (CNC) technology should be used, where possible, to support manufacture. You are required to manufacture and assemble all the parts, subject to the following guidelines :

    1. Standard components may be used to support the assembly and interconnection of various parts;

    2. Unnecessary recycling will result in lost marks. Recycling will be acceptable only in cases where a complex part cannot readily be made in the school;

    3. Bought-in electronic solutions will result in lost marks;

    4. Adhesives, if used, should be applied sparingly.

    Marks are awarded as shown in Marking Scheme (below).

  4. Project Presentation

    Your completed project consisting of the model and design folio, both clearly identified with your examination number, must be available to the visiting examiner.

    Marks are awarded for quality of presentation and finished appearance of both the model and folio.


Marking Scheme

Analysis of brief
5 marks
Investigation of solutions
10 marks
Criteria for selection of solution
5 marks
Production drawings/plans
10 marks
Testing and evaluation
5 marks
Presentation of folio
5 marks
40 marks

Model satisfies brief
5 marks
Constraints observed
5 marks
10 marks
Function (does it work?)
10 marks
Choice of materials
10 marks
Choice of processes
10 marks
Suitability of assembly techniques
10 marks
Suitability of parts and functions
10 marks
Application of skills
10 marks
Safety considerations
10 marks
Quality of work
10 marks
Presentation of model
10 marks
110 marks