Engineering - Exam Papers - Practical - 2014
150 Marks
Directions to candidates
- Each candidate is required to prepare materials and make components, according to the materials
list and drawings shown, prior to the Practical Examination in May, 2014.
- Prepared materials and finished components must be the candidate’s own individual work and
should be clearly identified and stored safely until examination day.
- If you use machinery other than that specified in the Equipment List , below,
to process any part of the examination material, you will lose marks under the relevant
headings in the marking scheme.
Parts List
Part No. |
Required |
Material |
Size |
1 |
1 |
Clear Polycarbonate |
98 x 94 x 6 |
2 |
1 |
Brass |
46 x 46 x 3 |
3 |
1 |
Aluminium |
98 x 94 x 3 |
4 |
2 |
Aluminium |
98 x 30 x 4 |
5 |
2 |
Aluminium |
60 x 16 x 4 |
6 |
1 |
Brass |
To make Part A |
7 |
1 |
Aluminium Bar |
To Make Part B |
As Supplied
Part No. |
Description |
Required |
Material and Description |
8 |
M5 x 12 Pan Head Set Screw |
4 |
Brass or Steel |
9 |
M5 x 12 CSK Set Screw |
1 |
Brass or Steel |
Lathes and Drilling machines with protective goggles.
Usual marking-out and measuring tools.
Usual bench fitting tools and equipment.
Scribing block and surface plate (one per five candidates).
M5 taps and suitable tapping wrench to suit machine screws.
Set of drills; Ø3, Ø4.2, Ø5.5, Ø10 and Ø12 with spares.
Countersink drill.
Set of usual files, to include : 250 mm hand bastard
250 mm hand smooth
150 mm hand bastard
150 mm hand smooth
150 mm square smooth
150 mm half-round bastard
150 mm half-round smooth
150 mm round bastard
150 mm round smooth
1 set of needle files per five candidates.
Junior and standard hacksaws and blades.
Hand-held electrical engraving tool or number punches.
One pair of aluminium or fibre protective vice clamps per candidate.
Screwdriver to suit machine screws supplied.
Half sheet of fine grade emery cloth per candidate.
Half sheet of medium grade emery cloth per candidate.
Light clear rust-preventive aerosol spray
Note: If candidates use machinery other than that specified in the list above to process any
part of the examination material, they will lose marks under the relevant headings in
the marking scheme.
Zip Files
Download Solidworks Parts, Solidworks Drawings and PDFs of Drawings of Practical day work.