Technical Drawing - Exam Papers - Higher - 1994 - Building

Question 7

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The accompanying drawing shows ground contours at five-metre intervals. ABC is the line of a proposed roadway and DEFG is a proposed parking area. The roadway ABC has the following specifications: -

(i) formation width is 12 m;
(ii) formation level at B is 40 m;
(iii) A to B is level: gradient B to C is 1 in 15 falling:
(iv) side slopes for cuttings 1 in 1.5;
(v) side slopes for embankments 1 in 2;

In the parking area the sides DE and GF are level and the side slopes for cuttings and embankments are the same as for the roadway ABC.

On the drawing supplied show the earthworks necessary to accommodate the roadway and parking area.

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