Technical Drawing - Exam Papers - Higher - 1999 - Paper 1

Question 6

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(a) Draw a straight line DPF, where DP is 50 mm long and PF is 35 mm long. F is the focus of a parabola, P is a point on the curve and D is a point on the directrix.
(i) Draw a portion of the curve.
(ii) Draw a tangent to the curve which makes angle of 50° with the axis, showing clearly how the point of contact is obtained.

(b) The perimeter of a triangle TPF is 225 mm. TP is 95 mm long and the angle TFP = 90°. F is one of the focal points of an ellipse whose major axis is 145 mm long. TP is a tangent to the curve and P is the point of contact. Draw the ellipse.

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