Technical Drawing - Interpenetration - Square into Square OffsetHere we are going to look at the construction of the lines of
Interpenetration between two square based prisms one of which is
offset. Below you can see the problem which you can create
yourself with your own dimensions.
![]() You can see from the drawing that the
horizontal square based prism (HSBP) is offset towards
the back of the vertical square based prism
(VSBP). Continue below to see how to do this
![]() In order to setup the question you need
an End View as well as the Elevation and Plan. You
will also need this End View later in order to find some
of the points of Interpenetration. Do not forget
to label the edges of the two solids.
![]() For clarity we have removed the
construction lines necessary to setup the
question. You should not rub these out when you
are doing problems.
From the Plan it is easy to see where the edges 1, 2, 3 and 4 of the HSBP intersect with the surfaces of the VSBP. Project these points into the Elevation to locate four of the points of Interpenetration. At this stage you should be begining to see the value of labeling. ![]() From the Plan we can see
that the edge a of the VSBP intersects the HSBP, but we
cannot see where this intersection occurs. We need
the End View for this. In the End View we can see
that the edge a of the VSBP intersects the edge 1,2 of
the HSBP at point 5, and the edge 2,3 of the HSBP at
point 6. Project these points across to the
![]() Now you are ready to draw
in the lines of Interpenetration in the Elevation.
The simplest way to do this is to follow the order of
the points in the End View. Draw these lines
lightly first. 1 to 5 to 2 to 6 to 3 to 4 to
1. Now you need to determine which of these lines
are hidden and which are visible from your point of
view. If this is not clear the lines 5 to 1, 1 to
4, 4 to 3 and 3 to 6 are all behind the VSBP and so are
![]() Finally line out your
drawing remembering that the part of the edge a on the
VSBP between points 5 and 6 no longer exists and so
should not be lined in.
Line Penetration Solid Penetration Square into Square Penetration Offset Square into Square Penetration Flat Surface Problems |