Metalwork - Exam Papers - HL - Paper - 1992

100 Marks


1. Answer Question 1, Sections A and B and three other questions.
2. All answers must be written in ink on the answer book supplied. Diagrams should be drawn in pencil.
3. Squared paper is supplied for diagrams as required.
4. Please label and number carefully each question attempted.

(40 Marks)


Answer any five questions

(a) Describe briefly, the contribution made to Technology by one of the following people :-

  1. Fr. Nicholas Callan (Maynooth)
  2. Frank Whittle
  3. Michael Faraday

The illustration shows parts of a simple electric motor. Name a metal from which the windings could be made. State a property of this meal which makes it suitable for electric motor windings.

What is the purpose of parts A ?

What is the purpose of parts B and from what material should they be made ?
(e) Name two precision measuring instruments used in the engineering room.

Name one ore which is mined at the Tara Mines, Navan Co. Meath.

What is the main difference between Thermoplastics and Thermosetting Plastics ?
(h) Three components A, B and C are shown in the Electronic circuit opposite. Name component A and explain the purpose of the bands on this component. Name one other component.


Answer any five questions

A mechanism similar to the type used in Jigsaws and Sewing Machines is shown below.

(a) Explain the operation of this mechanism.

(b) Describe how the slot in part B is made. List the tools and equipment required.

(c) Part C is to be heat treated. Name and describe an appropriate heat-treatment process.

(d) Describe, naming the tools used, how the M8 (part C) screwthread is cut.

(e) What would be the effect of moving the pin (part C) to position F ?

(f) Name one other type of mechanism that converts rotary motion to linear motion.
(20 Marks)
(a) Stages in the Design Process are listed below.


In your answer book list the Design stages in the correct order.
1. Final Solution 2. Ideas and possible Solutions
3. Working Drawings 4. Problem Analysis
5. Design Brief 6. Evaluation
    7. Investigation


Explain the term Evaluation as used in the Design Process.

(b) The design shows a decorative wrought iron gate. You are asked to design the top hinge for the gate. One end of the hinge is fitted to the stile and the other is set in the pillar. Your design must allow the gate :-

  1. to swing freely when in position and
  2. to be removed if necessary from the pillar.

Rough sketches to illustrate your ideas and possible solutions should first be made in your answer book. Select the most appropriate final solution and make a working drawing of your design on the squared section below. To simplify your drawing, part of the gate stile and concrete pillar are shown in elevation and plan.

(20 Marks)

Two metal-producing furnaces A and B are shown.


  1. Identify one of these and describe how it works.
  2. Name the metal produced by this furnace.
  3. What effect, if any, would the furnace have on the environment ?

(b) What is the difference between an element and an alloy ?

(c) Explain the following terms :-

  1. Annealing      
  2. Ductility      
  3. Hardness

(d) Name an alloy used in engineering and state its composition.

(20 Marks)

A tractor with a link box attached is illustrated.

(a) In tractor manufacture name the materials which would be used for any three of the following:-

  1. Engine Block
  2. Safety Frame
  3. Cab Windows
  4. Head light lens.

(b) Gear wheels A, B and C are parts of the transmission system.

  1. If wheel A is turning clockwise, in what direction will wheel C turn ?
  2. If wheel A is turning at 500 rev./min., what is the speed of wheel C?

(c) Part of a screwthread from the tractor linkage is shown. Name four of the numbered parts.

(d) Answer part (i) or part (ii)

(i) The link T between the tractor and the link box is in tension and the link Y is in compression. Explain the terms tension and compression.


How is the power from the tractor transmitted to a rotary mower? What safety precautions must be observed when using this power attachment?
(20 Marks)


  1. Suggest suitable materials for parts A and B of the electric soldering iron shown.
  2. What is meant by cored solder ?
  3. Name two safety precautions to be observed when using an electric soldering iron.


  1. Draw a line diagram to show how a 13 Amp. plug is correctly connected to the lead. Name the three terminals and state the colour code of each wire connected to the terminals.
  2. Explain the function of parts C and D.
(20 Marks)
Answer SECTION A or SECTION B but not both.
(a) Explain the meaning of CNC.
(b) Name four of the parts indicated on the diagram.
(c) Explain the difference between manual and automatic running of a CNC machine.
(d) How would the drawing shown on the monitor be produced ?
(e) Draw a sketch of the X and Z axis for a CNC machine indicating the + (plus) X and - (minus) Z axis.
(f) What is the relationship between the drawing on the VDU (screen) and the CNC machine?



Name four of the parts of the centre lathe shown opposite.

(b) Explain two of the following :-

  1. Facing
  2. Taper-Turning
  3. Knurling

(c) Explain what is meant by one of the following :-

  1. Depth of cut
  2. Feed Rate for turning.

(d) Calculate the spindle speed for a 25mm diameter bar having a surface cutting speed of 30 metres per minute.
(For this calculation you may take π = 3).

(e) List three safety precautions to be observed when operating a lathe.