Metalwork - Exam Papers - HL - Paper - 1994

100 Marks


1. Answer Question 1, Sections A and B and three other questions.
2. All answers must be written in ink on the answer book supplied. Diagrams should be drawn in pencil.
3. Squared paper is supplied for diagrams as required.
4. Please label and number carefully each question attempted.

(40 Marks)


Answer any five questions

(a) Describe briefly, the contribution made to technology by one of the following :- Isaac Singer, Rudolf Diesel, Harry Ferguson.

(b) Identify the diagram opposite.

(c) Name two of the parts shown.

(d) From what material is part A made ?

(e) Explain the function of the stud and nut at D.

(f) Define two of the following:- Ductility, Elasticity. Toughness. Tensile Strength, Malleability and Hardness.

(g) Identify any three electronic components represented opposite. State the function of one of the components.


Answer any five questions

The illustration shows a portable electric drilling machine.

(a) Name and sketch the item of equipment required for part A to function properly.

(b) Identify two of the following parts: C, D, E, F and G. State the purpose of one of these parts.

(c) The parts at B are case-hardened. Name the parts and describe what is meant by case-hardening.

(d) Give two reasons why some drills have a range of speeds.

(e) Part C is made from a thermoplastic material. Suggest a method of manufacture for this part.

(f) List two possible causes of accidents associated with portable electric drills. State how such accidents can be prevented.
(20 Marks)
WARNING : Don't forget to return this section with your answer book (if question 2 is attempted) or otherwise marks will be lost.

The Aluminium ladder shown is to be stored by hanging it on the wall in the horizontal position.

(a) Design a pair of steel brackets which can be mourned on the wall and used to support the ladder. Your design should include:

  1. A means of fixing the brackets to the wall.
  2. A means of preventing the ladder from slipping off the brackets. Rough sketches to illustrate your ideas should be drawn in your answer book. Select a final solution and make a working drawing of one bracket (Elevation and end view ) on the squared paper.

(b) List the tools and equipment required to fix the brackets to the wall.

(c) Describe a method of treating the brackets against corrosion.

(20 Marks)

Name and describe four of the stages in the production of the Plumb-bob shown above.

(b) List three safety precautions which should be observed when using the centre lathe. State why the precautions are necessary.

(c) Name the tools required to cut the screwthreads as shown in stage 5.

(d) If the cutting speed of the material in the Plumb-bob is 40 m / min, calculate the approximate rev / min which should be used to turn the smaller Ø15 diameter.

(e) What angle should the topslide or compound slide be set at for the operation at stage 3 ?
(20 Marks)


  1. Name the furnace shown.
  2. What metal is produced by this furnace?
  3. What material is used in the charge?
  4. Explain the function of parts A, B and C


  1. A list of metals are shown on the right. Examine the list and select the metals required to make two of the following alloys:
    1. Brass
    2. Solder
    3. Bronze
  2. Describe one use for each of the alloys you choose.
(20 Marks)

The elevation and end view of a model air compressor is shown. Answer five of the following questions:

(i) Name and describe three of the parts listed A, B, C, D and E.

(ii) What is the maximum distance moved by part A in half a revolution ie. when A moves either from top to bottom or from bottom to top.

(iii) Give one example of a use for an air compressor.

(iv) Show clearly, by means of a sketch, how parts A and C are held together.

(v) Name the tools used to cut the screwthreads on part E.

(vi) What is meant by the pitch of a screwthread ?

(20 Marks)

(a) Draw a large sketch of an electric Soldering Iron. Indicate the following on your sketch:-

  1. The soldering iron bit, and name the material from which it is made?
  2. The position of the heating element.
  3. How the cable is wired to a 13 Amp. plug.

(b) Describe how parts A and B, shown in the sketch, may be soft soldered together.

(c) Explain the terms:

  1. Active flux and
  2. Passive flux.

(d) List three differences between soft soldering and brazing.

(20 Marks)

The illustrations show a Personal Computer (PC), and some Input and Output devices. Answer five of the following :-

(a) Name three of the input devices.

(b) Name two output devices.

(c) Describe, with the aid of a sketch, the type of work that either device A or device B is capable of doing.

(d) What is the purpose of slot H ?

(e) Explain what any three of the following abbreviations mean :-

  1. CPU
  2. RAM
  3. ROM
  4. DOS

(f) Which of the devices shown above could be used in

  1. CAM
  2. CAD