Metalwork - Exam Papers - HL - Paper - 1997
1. Answer Question 1, Sections A and B and three
other questions.
2. All answers must be written in ink on the answer book supplied.
Diagrams should be drawn in pencil.
3. Squared paper is supplied for diagrams as required.
4. Please label and number carefully each question attempted.
Answer any five questions
(a) Describe in two sentences, the contribution
made to technology by one of the following
people :
Rudolf Diesel,
Guglielrno Marconi,
John Dunlop.
(b) The diagram shows parts of a four-stroke
spark ignition engine.
- What type of fuel is used in this engine?
- Name another type of engine.
(c) Identify and name two of the parts
A, B and C State the purpose of one of the parts you
(d) With the aid of a sketch, explain the
function of part D.
(e) What is the difference between a thermoplastic
material and a thermosetting material? Give one example of each.
(f) Name one use of Cast Iron and
give one reason why it is suitable for the
use you mention.
(g) Define two of the following: Malleability,
Elasticity, Hardness.
(h) Four electronic components, 1, 2, 3 and
4, are shown. Four symbols are also shown. Identify
and name two of the components. Match your
two chosen components with the appropriate symbols. |
Answer any five questions
The diagrams show an instrument for measuring electrical
current. |
(a) Explain what makes Part N move when
current is fed through terminals T1 and T2.
(b) The wire at A is insulated. State :
- the material used for the wire and name
one property that makes the wire suitable for
this project.
- the meaning of insulation in this case.
(c) Describe in detail, how Part 2 is bent
at right angles.
(d) Explain how the wire is wrapped onto
the Pipe A.
(e) Explain the purpose of Parts 9.
(f) Make a freehand sketch of Part N showing
how the pointer is attached to the balance weight. |
WARNING : Don't forget to return
this section with your answer book (if question
2 is attempted) or otherwise marks will be
lost. |
(a) Study the dimensions and
shape of the toothbrush and mouth-wash
glass shown.
You are required to design a wall-mounted
holder, to hold four such brushes
and one glass. The holder should be
formed from a single piece of material,
and should include:
- Provision for, and details of
how the completed holder may be fixed
to a bathroom wall.
- A means of holding the glass
and brushes in a stable position.
(b) Name a suitable material
for the project.
Rough sketches to show your design
ideas should he drawn in your answer
hook. Select a final design solution,
and make a pictorial (isometric) drawing
of your final design on the special
grid paper. Insert four leading dimensions.
- Describe four steps in the making
of the holder.
- Give details of the tools and
equipment used in its production.
- Name and identify three of the turning operations shown in
the diagrams.
- A formula for finding speeds for turning
or drilling is given as: N = (S x 1000)
/ (π x d)
- Use the formula above to calculate the
lathe speed (N) required to turn a 25 mm
diameter bar of mild steel (d) which has
a cutting speed of 30 m/min (S). (Take π as 3 for the calculation).
(b) Describe, with the aid of sketches,
- Parallel shank drills and
- Morse taper
shank drills are held in a lathe tailstock.
(c) Explain any two of the terms:
Rake, clearance, depth of cut and feed. |
- Identify the furnace shown.
- Name the two major parts of the
charge. Which part of the charge goes into the
furnace first, and why ?
- Name two important steps in the
production process.
- Explain the purpose of Part A. How is this
part kept cool during the process ?
- State one major advantage which this
type of furnace has over the Electric Arc Furnace.
(b) Study the two tables, table A - Alloys,
and table B - Compositions, shown below. In your
answer-book, list three of the alloys from
table A, and, in each case, match the alloy to the
correct composition from table B. |
Table A |
Alloys |
Brass |
Cast Steel |
Soft Solder |
Stainless Steel |
Table B |
Compositions |
Iron + Carbon + Nickel + Chromium |
Copper + Zinc |
Iron + 0.8% Carbon |
62% Tin + 38% Lead |
An illustration of an outboard motor for
a small boat is shown.
- Explain how the removable plastic
cover is formed.
- The body of the unit is made from
an alloy. What particular property should
the alloy have for this use ?
(b) An enlarged view of one of
the mounting brackets is given. Describe,
step by step, how the M10 screw thread is
produced at C.
(c) Make a freehand sketch (on
squared paper) of this bracket showing four
dimensions that are necessary for it to
be manufactured.
(d) Power from the engine is brought
to the propeller via gears of the type shown.
- Name this type of gearing and state
its function.
- With the aid of a sketch, explain
how the propeller shaft could be made
to turn faster than the engine shaft.
(e) How does the use of engines
affect the environment? |
Basic shapes for a pendant and a hair clasp
are shown in the drawings.
(a) You are required to produce
on paper, a decorative design for either
the pendant or the hair clasp. Your
design should be full size.
(b) Copper, 1 mm thick, is to be
used to produce the finished article.
- Describe how copper can be annealed,
and state why this may be necessary.
- List three properties of
(c) Describe how one of
the processes listed below is done.
Your description should include a list
of tools and equipment necessary.
(d) List two safety precautions
to be taken during the process you describe
at (c). Why are these precautions necessary
(e) Name one famous piece
of Irish metalwork, and state where it is
((a) Name the machine shown in the
(b) Identify and name three of the parts A, B, C, D. State the purpose
of two of the three.
(c) Describe the sequence for the
production of the profile shown. Use a number
of simple sketches illustrate your answer.
(d) Explain what is meant by any three of the following: CD ROM. Hard
Drive. RAM. DOS. Floppy Disk.
(e) Write down the 0-25 mm micrometer
reading shown in the diagram. |