Metalwork - Exam Papers - HL - Paper - 1998
1. Answer Question 1, Sections A and B and three
other questions.
2. All answers must be written in ink on the answer book supplied.
Diagrams should be drawn in pencil.
3. Squared paper is supplied for diagrams as required.
4. Please label and number carefully each question attempted.
Answer any five questions
(a) Describe in two sentences, the contribution
made to technology by one of the following
people :
Henry Ford,
John Holland,
Father Nicholas Callan.
(b) The diagram shows part of a four-stroke
spark ignition engine.
- What material would be suitable for the manufacture of part G ?
- What is the purpose of part G ?
(c) Identify and name part E or D and state
its function.
(d) Explain, with the aid of a sketch, the
operation of part A.
(e) With the aid of a sketch, show how part
F is attached to part G.
(f) An electric engraver has the following
specification 50W - 220V - AC. Explain the meaning
of any two of these.
(g) Examine the electronic circuit shown.
- Identify and name any two components.
- Draw the symbol for each of the two named
and state the function of each.
Components |
Transistor |
Light Dependent Resistor (LDR) |
Switch |
Variable Resistor |
Bulb |
Answer any five questions
The drawing shows the front elevation of a Thermostatically
Controlled Candle Extinguisher based on a bi-metallic
mechanism (part G). |
(a) With the aid of sketches, describe how
the bi-metallic mechanism operates.
(b) Describe the steps involved in the
manufacture of part A.
(c) State the correct name for part D.
Give an example of the specification required for
the purchase of items like part D.
(d) What are the purposes of parts C and
H ?
(e) Name another appliance which makes
use of a bi-metallic mechanism.
(f) Show, by means of a sketch, how part
H is attached to the extinguisher arm, part J.
(g) What is meant by the term tapping a
"blind' hole ? |
WARNING : Don't forget to return
this section with your answer book (if question
2 is attempted) or otherwise marks will be
lost. |
(a) Name and explain any two
stages in the design process.
(b) A set of three different
size dumbbells (which are weights used
to build up arm and shoulder muscles)
arc illustrated in the drawing. Design a stand for storing the three
dumbbells. Your design may either
be :
- a wall mounted stand or
- a floor stand.
Your design should incorporate a
means of holding the dumbbells so
that they will not fall off the stand.
At least two rough sketches showing
your ideas should be drawn in your
Select your final design and draw
a pictorial view in the grid paper
(c) It is important that the
surfaces of exercise equipment be in
god condition and be easily cleaned.
Suggest a suitable finish, other than
painting, for such equipment, and explain
how your chosen finish is achieved. |
(a) State two reasons why it is
necessary to run drilling machines at different
speeds ?
(b) Explain, with the aid of sketches,
what is meant by :
- A tapping size hole.
- A countersunk hole.
(c) A mild steel plate is shown
on the right.
- Describe, with the aid of a diagram,
how you would hold the plate on a drilling
machine table while drilling.
- List the steps required in order
that the holes may be drilled in a correct
(d) The surface cutting speed for
the steel in the plate is 25 m/min. Using
the given formula, find the correct drilling
speed for the 20 mm diameter holes in the
N= (S x 1000) / (π x
(Take π as 3 for the calculation) |
(a) Identity the type of furnace
(b) List the three major parts
of the charge, and state why each is necessary.
(c) Explain, with reference to
M and N in the diagram, how the charge is
put into the furnace, without much heat
(d) What is the purpose of the large
pipe, C, near the bottom of the furnace
(e) Explain the function of the
two chutes at A and B.
(f) Study the list of the seven
elements in the table. Select elements to
make two well known alloys. Name each of
the two alloys |
Carbon |
Zinc |
Lead |
Chromium |
Nickel |
Copper |
Iron |
An illustration of a scrambler type motorcycle
is shown. Answer the following questions
(a) Name and state materials used
in the manufacture of parts A, C and D.
(b) The lever at E operates the
brake on the front wheel. Refer to F, G
and H, and explain how the brake operates.
(c) The wheel axle, J, has screwthreads
for holding the wheel assembly in place.
If the screwthread is M16 :
- What is the angle at Z?
- What is the diameter at Y?
- What is diameter X called?
(d) This bike has a chain drive.
List two advantages of chain drive over
belt drive.
(e) The sprocket at the engine has
18 teeth and the sprocket at the rear wheel
has 72 teeth. Calculate the gear ratio.
(f) What effect do the exhaust gases
emitted at B, have on the environment? |
(a) A modern electric soldering
iron is shown. From what material is part
A made? State one reason why this material
is suitable.
(b) Explain, with the aid of a
diagram, how the soldering iron tip (Part
A) is heated.
(c) This soldering iron is connected
to a 24 Volt unit which, in turn, is connected
to the electrical mains. Explain why this
is necessary.
(d) Some soldering irons are rated
15 W, and some are rated 25 W. Which of
these two ratings would be most suitable
for soldering small electronic components.
Give one reason for your answer.
(e) The mains cable from the 24
Volt unit has three wires: blue, green/yellow,
and brown.
- State where each wire should be
connected in the 13 Amp plug shown in
the diagram.
- What is the purpose of part M in
the plug ?
- Explain how the mains cable is
prevented from pulling out of the plug.
- Describe three important steps in
- Name the two metals used to make
A schematic diagram of a computer system
is shown. The CPU is in the centre with the
other devices attached to it.
(a) What does CPU stand for, and
what is the function of the CPU ?
(b) List any six of the attached
devices and state clearly which are input
devices, and which are output devices.
(c) Explain any three of the following
terms: G-Code, Test Run. CAD, CMC.
(d) Draw a sketch of the jog keys
of a CNC lathe, and show the meaning of each
of the following:
-x, +x, -z, +z.
(e) State one advantage of a CNC lathe
over a conventional machine. |