Metalwork - Exam Papers - OL - Paper - 1998
1. Answer question 1, sections A and B, and any three other questions.
2. Write your answers in the space provided or tick the appropriate
3. Hand up this paper at the end of the examination.
(a) |
(i) Complete the chart by matching
the given metal with each item :
Metals : Copper, Cast Iron, Stainless
Steel, Aluminium, Mild Steel, Brass, Lead,
High Carbon Steel |
Item |
Metal |
Twist Drill |
Kitchen Sink |
Hot water Cylinder |
Forged Poker |
Soft Drinks Cans |
Brazing Spelter |
Roof Flashings |
Lathe Bed |
(b) |
(i) Which one of these metals
is an alloy : |
Aluminium |
Brass |
Copper |
Zinc |
(ii) Which one of these metals
is the hardest : |
High Carbon Steel |
Mild Steel |
Copper |
Lead |
(iii) The ability of a metal
to withstand wear is called : |
Malleability |
Ductility |
Elasticity |
Hardness |
(c) |
Complete the chart : |
(i) |
Steel can be hardened and tempered. |
(ii) |
Steel is produced in the Electric
Arc Furnace. |
(iii) |
Thermosetting plastics soften
when heated. |
(iv) |
Acrylic is a thermoplastic material. |
(v) |
Brittle materials bend easily. |
(vi) |
Bronze is an alloy of lead and
zinc. |
(a) |
(i) Indicate with an
arrow the direction of movement
of part (X) in each of the following. |
(ii) This cam changes
rotary motion into : |
Linear motion |
Rotary motion |
Reciprocating motion |
Oscillating motion |
(iii) If gear 'A' rotates
at 4 R.P.M. how fast will gear
'B' rotate ?
(A = 10 Teeth,
B = 40 Teeth) |
(b) |
In each of the following cases name
a machine that uses the given mechanism.
(Do not name the same machine
twice.) |
(i) Name a machine that uses
a Rack and Pinion : |
(ii) Name a machine that uses
a square thread. |
(iii) Name a machine that uses
Bearings. |
(iv) Name a machine that uses
Cams. |
(c) |
(i) Indicate the direction of
gear 'x' in each of the following : |
(iii) This hand drill uses : |
Spur Gears |
Bevel Gears |
Worm Gears |
Pulleys |
Details of a model electric car is shown. |
(i) Describe the stages of manufacture
and the tools used to make this axle for the
car. |
(ii) Which of the following is used to "start
the hole" when drilling the car wheels on the
lathe ? |
(iii) The technique used to make surface 'X'
is called : |
Countersink tool |
Counterbore tool |
Centre drill |
Reamer |
Facing |
Parallel Turning |
Taper Turning |
Knurling |
(iv) The drawings A to C show the battery
holder of the car during different stages of manufacture.
For each stage : |
(a) List two tools used
in marking out. |
(b) List two tools used
in cutting this shape |
(c) List two other tools
used to complete the battery holder. |
(v) An isometric view and development of the
battery holder used in the model electric car are
shown below. Draw an elevation looking in the direction
of arrow A and a plan viewed from B. |
(a) |
(i) Select the correct symbols
from the chart and complete the electrical
circuit diagram for this fuse tester. |
Draw the circuit
in this box |
(ii) Electric current can
flow through plastic. |
(iii) A battery supplies D.C.
Current. |
(b) |
Using the labels, briefly explain
how the circuit operates the barrier. |
(c) |
Complete the chart by matching the
inventor to the achievement.
Inventors : Henry Ford, Rudolf
Diesel, John P. Holland, James
Watt, Henry Bessemer |
Item |
Metal |
1. Four Stroke Engine |
Karl Benz |
2. Submarine |
3. Steel Making Process |
4. Diesel Engine |
5. Steam Engine |
6. Mass Production |
(i) The diagram opposite shows
a steel Wall Bracket and a Wooden Sign.
Part A and Part B are to be joined by
riveting. List three tools that should
be used to complete this process. |
(ii) Draw a sketch of the completed
riveted joint in the box below. |
(iii) Briefly describe how the
ends of Part B are formed. |
(iv) Why is Part A required
? |
(v) |
Draw a detailed sketch showing how
the wooden sign is attached to the bracket. |