Metalwork - Exam Papers - HL - Paper - 1999

100 Marks


1. Answer Question 1, Sections A and B and three other questions.
2. All answers must be written in ink on the answer book supplied. Diagrams should be drawn in pencil.
3. Squared paper is supplied for diagrams as required.
4. Please label and number carefully each question attempted.

(40 Marks)


Answer any five questions

(a) Describe in two sentences, the contribution made to technology by one of the following people:
Carl Benz,
Thomas Edison,
Harry Ferguson.
(b) The diagram shows the main parts of a four-stroke engine.
(i) What is the purpose of part A?
(ii) Name part B and state its function.
(c) The piston is shown moving downwards: describe what is happening during this stroke of the engine cycle.
(d) Explain what causes the piston to move down during the power stroke.
(e) Part C is a cap screw. With the aid of a sketch, show how this screw can be prevented from becoming loose due to vibration.
(f) Define any two of the following material properties:
(g) Identify and name any two of the four electronic components shown.


Answer any five questions

The drawing shows the elevation and plan of the 1999 Metalwork Higher Level Project - a Motorised Three-Wheel Vehicle.

(a) With the aid of sketches, explain the purpose of parts 15 and 16. How is part 16 fixed to the axle (part 5) ?
(b) Draw a circuit diagram for the vehicle, showing: A power source, a switch, and a motor.
(c) Sketch the development of part 2. Describe how the two holes are drilled in line, and how the part is bent to shape.
(d) State the procedure to be followed in the making of one of the rear wheels.
(e) Describe, with the aid of sketches, how part 3 is joined to part 2.
(f) Design suitable handle-bars for the vehicle. Your design should show clearly the method of fixing the handle-bars to the steering rod.
(g) Part 1 is made from a thermoplastic. Name the type of material used in your examination project and explain the steps required to produce the 40° angle.
(20 Marks)
WARNING : Don't forget to return this section with your answer book (if question 2 is attempted) or otherwise marks will be lost.
A simple model of a design process is shown.
(a) State two advantages of using such a model.
(b) Explain what the Develop the idea stage means.

(c) The diagram shows a toothbrush / glass holder designed and made by a student.
(i) With the aid of sketches and notes (On the squared paper overleaf) you are required to show two improvements to this design.
(ii) Show on your design how the holder may be fitted to a wall. (iii) Name a material suitable for this project.
On the squared section below, show how you would redesign the toothbrush / glass holder.
(c) (iii) A suitable material for this project is :  
(20 Marks)
(a) The part shown is to be turned on a centre lathe from a 30 mm diameter aluminium bar, shown on the drawing.

  (i) Explain, with the aid of a sketch, how the 19mm diameter section is turned. State how you would measure this diameter.
(ii) What turning operation is required to produce the angled end (60°) of the part? Describe how the lathe is set up to turn this angle.
(iii) What precautions must you take before starting a lathe ?
(b) A 5 mm hole is to be drilled through the finished part. If the surface cutting speed of aluminium is 60m/min, calculate the speed in rev/min at which the part should rotate during this drilling operation. Use the formula given below :

N = (S x 1000) / ( π x D)
(Take π as 3 for this calculation).

(c) Explain any two of the following terms: Rake angle, Multi-point cutting tool, Clearance angle, Swarf.
(20 Marks)
(a) Identify the type of furnace shown.
(b) What is the charge for this furnace ?
(c) Explain the purpose of parts E and B, and state what is happening in the area at D.
(d) What is the function of the door at A ?
(e) With reference to parts C and B, describe how the furnace is emptied.
(f) A furnace of this Type operates in Ireland. Where is it located ?
(g) Combinations of elements used to make four alloys are listed in the table at A, B, C and D.
(i) Name and identify three of the alloy/combinations.
(ii) List one important property of the three alloys you have named.
  Compositions   Compositions
A Copper + Zinc C Iron + Carbon
B Tin + Lead D Tin + Copper
(20 Marks)
An illustration of a garden tractor with a grass cutting attachment (part D) is shown.
(a) Name suitable material for the manufacture of the bonnet B, and the seat C. State one property of each material which makes it suitable for this use.
(b) The lamp (bulb) at A is specified as 12 Volts and 21 Watts. Explain what the terms Volts and Watts mean.
(c) The wheels at E are steered by a rack and pinion gear system. With the aid of a sketch explain how a rack and pinion gear works or explain any other mechanism which could be used to steer the wheels.  
(d) The cutting blade in the deck D is 30" and is driven by a vee belt and pulley mechanism. Explain with the aid of a sketch the meaning of this statement.
(e) The deck is galvanised. What is meant by galvanised? State one reason for galvanising the deck.
(20 Marks)
The centre punch in the diagram is the type commonly used in engineering rooms.
(a) (i) Name a suitable material for the manufacture of a centre punch.
(ii) Explain how the material may be softened before it is machined to shape.
(iii) Describe how the punch is hardened. State which of the parts A, B or C require this treatment.
(iv) Name the heat treatment process carried out after hardening.
(v) To what angle should the point P be ground ?
(b) List two safety precautions to be taken during a heat treatment process.
(20 Marks)

(a) Name the modem technological machine tool shown in the above diagram.
(b) Name the jog key required to move the cutting tool in each one of the directions :- 1, 2, 3 and 4, shown in the diagram.
(c) With reference to parts D and E, explain how these movements are done automatically.
(d) For the machining process, in which direction should the chuck rotate ?  
(e) Describe the stages of production (using this machine) for making the component shown.
(f) Explain the meaning of any three of the following terms: ROM; Program; DOS; 3.5" Floppy disk; CAD.