Metalwork - Exam Papers - HL - Paper - 2000
1. Answer Question 1, Sections A and B and three
other questions.
2. All answers must be written in ink on the answer book supplied.
Diagrams should be drawn in pencil.
3. Squared paper is supplied for diagrams as required.
4. Please label and number carefully each question attempted.
Answer any five questions
(a) |
Describe briefly, the contribution made
to technology by one of the following:
Isaac Singer,
Rudolph Diesel,
Michael Faraday. |
(b) |
The diagram shows the main parts of a
four-stroke engine.
Name part A and explain its purpose.
(c) |
The piston is moving upwards: describe
what is happening during this stroke. |
(d) |
What part necessary for ignotion is missing
at B ?
(e) |
Describe the function of part C and Part
D. |
(f) |
Explain the function of any two of the
following :
Plug tap,
Allen key,
gauge. |
(g) |
Identify and name any two of the
five electronic components labelled in the circuit. |
Answer any five questions
The drawing shows the elevations, plan and drive
details of the 2000 Metalwork Higher Level Project
- a Model Motorised Truck. |
(a) |
Using the correct symbols, draw
a circuit diagram for the drive system of
the car. Label the diagram. |
(b) |
In order for the drive to pass through
part 1, a slot is removed. With the aid of
a sketch, explain how the slot may be produced.
Give at least three steps. |
(c) |
Part 2 is manufactured from sheet metal. |
(i) |
Sketch, showing bend lines, a development
of part 2 (i.e. the shape before it is bent). |
(ii) |
Explain how the 60° angle may be checked
for accuracy. |
(d) |
Mounting holes in part 3 and part 6
must be perfectly in line to insert the pop rivent.
Briefly describe how you would ensure that these
holes are correctly aligned. |
(e) |
The rear axel is driven by a belt and
pulley system. |
(i) |
List one advantage of a belt drive. |
(ii) |
Suggest another methos of drive. |
(f) |
Sketch a suitable design for a safety
cover for the motor and pulley (parts 9 & 11).
Your design should show the method of attachment. |
WARNING : Don't forget to return
this section with your answer book (if question
2 is attempted) or otherwise marks will be
(a) |
A simple model of the design process
is shown. List any two important points
which should be xonsidered at the "Test
your design" stage. |
(b) |
At the "Search for Information"
stage, list three sources of information
you might use. |
(c) |
A simple design for CD storage
is shown. |
(i) |
With the aid of simple sketches and
notes (On the squared paper overleaf), show two improvements to this design.
Include any four dimensions. |
(ii) |
Make a list of materials including
sizes required to make your improved design. |
(iii) |
Describe briefly, either
Dip-coating or Galvanising. |
On the squared section below, show how
you would redesign the CD storage unit. |
(a) |
(i) |
What type of drilled hole is shown
at A and what is its purpose? |
(ii) |
Explain in two steps how a hole
like this is produced. |
(iii) |
With the aid of a sketch, describe
how a machine vice is attached to the
table of a pillar or bench drilling machine. |
(b) |
The diagram shows an M6 screwthread
being cut. |
(i) |
Name the tool B, and the hole C. |
(ii) |
What size of hole is needed for
the M6 screwthread? |
(iii) |
Explain how the screwthread is
completed. |
(c) |
The surface cutting speed for
an alloy is 45 m/min. Using the given formula
find the correct drilling speed in rev /
min for drilling a 5 mm diameter hole in
the alloy. (Take π as 3)
N= (S x 1000) / (π x D) |
(d) |
Describe with the aid of a sketch
what is meant by the set of a hacksaw blade. |
(a) |
Identify the furnace shown. |
(b) |
What is the charge for this
furnace? |
(c) |
Explain how the furnace is charged. |
(d) |
What is the function of part
A? |
(e) |
Name part B. |
(f) |
Name the materials which are
taken out of the furnace at: |
(i) |
Chute C. |
(ii) |
Chute D. |
(g) |
List any two alloys and
state the composition of each alloy you
list. List a use for each of the chosen
alloys. |
A diagram of a small scooter for use in
cities is shown. The rear wheel is driven
by a small engine.
(a) |
Name suitable materials for
the handle bars A, the tyre B, the platform
C, and the fuel tank D. State one property
of each of the materials which make it suitable
for the scooter part. |
(b) |
(i) |
If the driving gear has 12 teeth
and the rear wheel driven gear has 120
teeth, what is the gear ratio involved
? |
(ii) |
If the driving gear turns at 4500
rev/min, how fast does the rear wheel
turn ? |
(c) |
Screws are used to assemble
the scooter. Name the dimensions at M and
N, and the angle at P. |
(d) |
State two reasons why
you think that a small scooter may be useful
in a city. |
(a) |
The capacitor legs are to be
soldered onto the printed circuit board
in the position shown. |
(i) |
List two important items
of equipment required for soldering. |
(ii) |
Describe two important steps
in the soldering process. |
(iii) |
Explain the meaning of: |
(i) |
Active flux. |
(ii) |
Passive flux. |
(iv) |
Briefly describe the composition
of solder. |
(v) |
List three safety procedures
observed when soldering. |
(b) |
State two advantages
of using adhesives as a method of joining. |
(c) |
Explain the meaning of two of the following :
Brittleness |
(a) |
The diagram shows a Personal Computer
(PC) system and ancillary devices. |
(i) |
Name any four of the devices. |
(ii) |
For the four devices named,
state whether they are input or output. |
(iii) |
Describe briefly the function of
any three of the devices. |
(b) |
Explain the meaning of any three
of the following abbreviations: |
(i) |
RAM. |
(ii) |
ROM. |
(iii) |
DOS. |
(iv) |
CAM. |
(c) |
List three advantages
of Computer-Aided Design (CAD). |
(d) |
Explain any two of the
following terms : |
(i) |
Test run. |
(ii) |
Hard drive. |
(iii) |
Canned cycle. |
(iv) |
Program. |