Metalwork - Exam Papers - OL - Paper - 2000
1. Answer question 1, sections A and B, and any three other questions.
2. Write your answers in the space provided or tick the appropriate
3. Hand up this paper at the end of the examination.
(a) |
(i) Complete the chart : |
Material |
List a use for each material |
Acrylic |
Making baths |
Nylon |
Expanded Polystyrene |
Polythene |
Brass |
Copper |
Bronze |
(b) |
Complete the chart : |
(i) |
Does silver steel contain silver
? |
Yes |
No |
(ii) |
Is iron ore used to make pig
iron ? |
Yes |
No |
(iii) |
Is acrylic conductive ? |
Yes |
No |
(iv) |
Has aluminium a lower melting
point than steel ? |
Yes |
No |
(v) |
Can steel products be galvenised
to prevent rust ? |
Yes |
No |
(vi) |
Does medium carbon steel contain
less carbon than dead mild steel
? |
Yes |
No |
(c) |
(i) Name this steel making furnace
: |
(ii) Part'X' is called the : |
Tuyere |
Hearth |
Lining |
Electrode |
(iii) Which one of these metals
is an alloy ? |
Aluminium |
Zinc |
Brass |
Copper |
(a) |
(i) Match the number to the
correct mechanism part. |
Mechanism Part |
No. |
Sprocket |
Ratchet |
Idler Gear |
Cam |
Pulley |
Rack |
(b) |
(i) Indicate with an arrow the
direction of gear 'X' in each of the
following : |
(ii) If gear 'A' rotates at
100 RPM how fast will gear 'B' rotate
(A = 20 Teeth, B = 10 Teeth) |
100 RPM |
200 RPM |
50 RPM |
20 RPM |
(iii) Are these meshing gears
known as gear trains ? |
(c) |
Name a mechanism used in each of the
following : |
Mechanism : |
Mechanism : |
Mechanism : |
A model of a Motorised Model Airboat is shown
below. |
(i) How is this windshield bent to shape
? |
(ii) What does 'M3' refer to in the
drawing of the base shown below ? |
(iii) What is the distance 'X' in the
drawing of the windshield shown below ? |
Base of Airboat |
Windshield |
(iv) Describe how a high quality finish
can be applied to the edge of the perspex base. |
(v) Draw a front elevation and
an end view of a hand held switch unit
that could be used to operate the airboat from
a distance. |
(a) |
(i) Match the number to the correct component. |
Component |
No. |
Resistor |
Buzzer |
Motor |
Switch |
(ii) What does the electrical
term D.C. mean ? |
(iii) Is this component
an integrated circuit ? |
(b) |
Select the correct symbols from the
chart and complete the electrical
circuit diagram for this motor control
unit. |
Draw the circuit
in this box |
(c) |
(i) When this circuit is connected
: |
Both bulbs will light. |
Only bulb A will light. |
Only bulb B will light. |
Both bulbs will not light. |
(ii) The filament in this
bulb is made from : |
Steel |
Tungsten |
Nickel |
Gold |
(i) This design shows a noughts and
crosses game made from aluminium sheet. Apart
from drilling, list three other processes
involved in the making of this project. |
(ii) List three safety precautions
you would take before drilling this piece
of metal. |
(iii) Briefly describe how you would
bend the aluminium sheet to the required shape. |
(iv) Is aluminium a ferrous or a non-ferrous
metal ? |
(v) Draw full size, in the box below,
a complete development of the noughts and
crosses game showing the bend lines. |