Metalwork - Exam Papers - HL - Paper - 2001
1. Answer Question 1, Sections A and B and three
other questions.
2. All answers must be written in ink on the answer book supplied.
Diagrams should be drawn in pencil.
3. Squared paper is supplied for diagrams as required.
4. Please label and number carefully each question attempted.
Answer any five questions
(a) |
Describe briefly, the contribution made to technology by one of the following people:
Thomas Edison,
Michael Faraday,
Harry Ferguson. |
(b) |
The diagram shows some of the main parts of a four stroke engine. Narne part 'A' and explain its purpose. |
(c) |
Briefly describe the function of part 'B'. |
(d) |
What is the purpose of part 'C'? |
(e) |
Briefly describe the function of part 'D'. |
(f) |
What is meant by any two of the following:
Ferrous metal. |
(g) |
Narne and identify by number the four electronic components shown. |
Answer any five questions
The drawing shows an elevation and plan of the 2001 Metalwork Higher Level Project - a Model Motorised Helicopter. |
(a) |
Using the correct symbols, draw a circuit diagram of the power control components of the helicopter. Label the diagram. |
(b) |
Part '3' is attached to part '1 ' using screws. List three points to be considered when buying screws of this type. |
(c) |
Sketch a suitable design for a cab seat, and describe how you would make it. |
(d) |
Describe how the twist in part ' 3' is marked out and then twisted through 90°. |
(e) |
Part '2' is bent at angles of 45° and 90°. |
(i) |
How is the 90° angle checked for accuracy? |
(ii) |
How is the 45° angle checked for accuracy? |
(f) |
Explain the function of parts '4' and '5' on a full size operational helicopter. |
(a) |
A simple model of a design process is shown. List any two important points which should be considered at the "materials selection" stage. |
(b) |
List two important points to be considered at the "evaluation" stage.
(c) |
A basic wheelchair design is shown. |
(i) |
Using simple sketches and notes, give details of two improvements to this design. |
(ii) |
List two materials used in the manufacture of a wheelchair. State a reason for the use of each material. |
(iii) |
Describe briefly, either Case-hardening
Vacuum forming. |
(a) |
Four different lathe turning operations are shown in the diagrams at 'A', 'B', 'C' and 'D'. Name and explain the operation of any three. |
(b) |
List three safety precautions that should be taken before beginning work on a lathe. |
(c) |
A 12mm diameter hole is to be drilled in a material which has a surface cutting speed of 72 m/min. Using the given formula, find the correct drilling speed in RPM for drilling the hole. (Take π as 3). |
N |
= |
S X 1000 |
_______ |
π X D |
(d) |
Explain, with the aid of sketches, the purpose of : |
(i) |
A pilot hole, and |
(ii) |
A tapping size hole. |
(a) |
Narne the type of furnace shown. |
(b) |
Explain how the furnace is charged |
(c) |
List the materials in the charge. |
(d) |
Explain how the furnace is emptied. |
(e) |
Name part 'X' and explain its function. |
(f) |
What prevents part 'X' from being melted by the heat? |
(g) |
Select any two alloys from the list given. State the composition of the two chosen alloys and give a use for each. |
List of alloys
Soft solder
Carbon steel Bronze |
The diagram shows a pedestal grinder.
(a) |
Name the parts 'A', 'B', and 'C', and describe the function of each. |
(b) |
A Vee belt drive system is used. |
(i) |
Pulley 'D' has a diameter of 180mm and pulley 'E' has a diameter of 90mm. What is the ratio? |
(ii) |
If the driving pulley 'E' attached the motor 'F', turns at 2200 RPM, what is the speed of part 'A'? |
(c) |
The motor 'F', has three markings on it: AC, 240V, SOOW. Explain the meaning of these markings. |
(d) |
The body of the grinder is made from cast iron. List two reasons why cast iron is used. |
(a) |
An electric soldering iron is shown. |
(i) |
Narne part 'A' and state a material from which it is made. |
(ii) |
List two properties of the material used to make part 'B'. |
(iii) |
The soldering iron is connected through a transformer to the mains with a 13A plug. Draw a sketch to show where the Live, Neutral and Earth wires are connected inside the plug. |
(iv) |
Why is the soldering iron connected to the mains through the transformer? |
(b) |
State one advantage and one disadvantage of using nuts and bolts as a method of joining. |
(c) |
Explain the meaning of three of the following: Malleability, Melting point, States of matter, Hardness. |
(a) |
The diagram shows parts of a CNC lathe. Name and describe the function of any two of the parts 'A', 'B' and 'C'. |
(b) |
Explain any three of the following: |
(i) |
CPU. |
(ii) |
G-code. |
(iii) |
Menu. |
(iv) |
Computer virus. |
(c) |
With the aid of a sketch, show the directions represented by the jog keys -X, +X, -Y and +Y. |
(d) |
Describe the steps in programming a CNC lathe using 'define a profile mode', to produce the part shown in the diagram below. |