Metalwork - Exam Papers - HL - Paper - 2009
1. Answer Question 1, Sections A and B and three
other questions.
2. All answers must be written in ink on the answer book supplied.
Diagrams should be drawn in pencil.
3. Squared paper is supplied for diagrams as required.
4. Please label and number carefully each question attempted.
Answer any five questions
The diagram, Fig. 1, shows some of the main
parts of a basic two-stroke engine. Questions (a) to (d) relate to this diagram.
(a) |
Describe the function of the Spark Plug.
(b) |
(i) |
Identify part ‘C’ of the engine. |
(ii) |
Explain the purpose of the part ‘C’.
(c) |
Outline the operation of the engine during upward stroke.
(d) |
Suggest any two suitable applications for
a two-stroke engine.
(e) |
Briefly describe the contribution made to
technology by one of the following people: |
(i) |
Thomas Edison, or |
(ii) |
Henry Maudslay, or |
(iii) |
Frank Whittle.
. |
(f) |
(i) |
Name one suitable plastic material which could be used to make the photo frame shown..
(ii) |
Describe how the photo frame shown is bent to shape.
(g) |
(i) |
Identify components 1 and 2 from the electronic circuit shown.
(ii) |
Outline the function of the LDR in
the electronic circuit. |
Answer any five questions
The drawings show the Control Panel,
Left Undercarriage and an assembly drawing of the 2009 Metalwork Higher Level Project, Model Aircraft.
(a) |
Suggest any two steps which should be
taken, when drilling the Ø10 holes in the Control Panel, to prevent any damage to the acrylic.
(b) |
(i) |
Calculate the overall dimensions of the
Left Undercarriage. |
(ii) |
Describe how the Left Undercarriage is bent to shape.
(c) |
Outline the procedures required to obtain a
high quality finish on all surfaces of: |
(i) |
the Control Panel made from acrylic; |
(ii) |
the Left Undercarriage made from aluminium.
(d) |
Describe how the model may be controlled and steered by the operation of the electronic circuit.
(e) |
Design, using a diagram, a Castored Nose-wheel and Battery Holder as an integrated unit for the model.
(f) |
State any two advantages for having a remote
control panel to operate the Model Aircraft. |
Acrylic Control Panel
Left Undercarriage
Model Aircraft |
(a) |
A simple model of a design process is
shown opposite. |
(i) |
List any three pieces of
information which may be
contained in the“production drawings”. |
(ii) |
Outline any two safety
precautions to be taken at
the “manufacture” stage. |
(b) |
A fire extinguisher to be located in
the Metalwork room is shown. |
(i) |
Draw the elevation of the
fire extinguisher as shown. |
(ii) |
Design a suitable metal
wall bracket to hold the fire
extinguisher. |
(iii) |
Describe, using a diagram,
how the bracket may be
secured to the wall. |
(iv) |
List one other fire
extinguishing device which
could be found in the
Metalwork room. |
(a) |
(i) |
Identify each of the taps shown. |
(ii) |
Suggest one use for each of the
taps shown. |
(iii) |
Identify parts ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’ of
the screw thread shown.
(b) |
A 9 mm hole is to be drilled in a material
which has a surface cutting speed of 54 m/min. Using the given formula calculate the speed in RPM.
(Take π as 3)
(c) |
(i) |
Identify each of the rivets shown
opposite. |
(ii) |
Describe how a joint may be
completed using one of the rivets
shown. |
(a) |
Name the type of furnace shown.
(b) |
List the materials in the charge.
(c) |
Briefly outline the operation of
the furnace.
(d) |
Explain what prevents the Lance
from melting.
(e) |
Outline the purpose of the
Refractory Lining.
(f) |
Describe, using diagrams, how each of the following is removed
from the furnace: |
(i) |
Steel; |
(ii) |
(g) |
Redraw the given table into your
answer book. Complete the table
by naming the alloys and listing
one important property of each. |
Composition |
Alloy |
Property |
Copper + Zinc |
Iron + Carbon |
Lead + Tin |
A train on tracks is shown opposite.
(a) |
(i) |
Name one suitable material for
each part labelled. |
(ii) |
State one reason for the selection
of each material. |
(iii) |
Outline any two safety features of
a rail system. |
(iv) |
Describe any two types of motion
which occur in the wheel
mechanism of the train. |
(v) |
Outline any two environmental
advantages of train travel compared
to other forms of transport. |
(b) |
(i) |
Identify the drive mechanism shown
opposite. |
(ii) |
Suggest one suitable application for
this mechanism. |
(iii) |
If the driver has 40 teeth, and the
driven has 10 teeth, what is the gear
ratio? |
(iv) |
If the driver turns at 25 RPM, how
fast does the driven turn in RPM? |
Drive Mechanism |
(a) |
(i) |
Describe how the pendant shown
may be shaped from 1mm copper
sheet. |
(ii) |
Explain, using diagrams, how the
pendant may be finished by
enamelling. |
(iii) |
Briefly describe one of the following
decorative metal finishes: |
- Engraving;
- Lacquering;
- Mottling.
Copper Pendant |
(b) |
(i) |
Name any two heat treatment
processes. |
(ii) |
Describe one of the processes
named. |
(iii) |
Suggest any two reasons for heat
treatment of metals. |
(iv) |
List any two safety precautions to be
taken when heat treating metals. |
(a) |
(i) |
Identify the type of lathe shown. |
(ii) |
Explain any two of the following
lathe terms: |
- Test run;
- G-codes;
- Tool offsets;
- Tool park position.
(iii) |
Redraw, in your answer book, the
lathe axes shown and label the
correct direction –X, +X, –Z and +Z. |
(iv) |
List any two advantages of this lathe
over a conventional lathe. |
(v) |
Outline any three safety features
associated with the lathe shown. |
Lathe Axes |
(b) |
(i) |
Identify both portable memory
storage devices shown. |
(ii) |
What is CAD/CAM? |
(iii) |
List any two advantages of a
CAD/CAM system. |
Storage Devices |