Metalwork - Materials - AluminiumAluminium is the third most plentiful element of the
Earth. Its special properties have led this very light metal
to be one of the most well known and most used.
In its pure form Aluminium is pretty useless. Its
alloyed Properties make this
metal one of the materials with most applications.
Aluminium has another property that hugley increases
its value, especially in today's society where conservation of
the enviornment is so important. Aluminium is totally
recycleable without any loss to its physical properties.
![]() The red countries are involved in the production of Aluminium Uses of AluminiumAluminium is second only to Steel in terms of usefullness in today's society, and it is rapidly catching up. As was stated earlier Aluminium in its pure form is almost useless, but with the advance of alloying technology Aluminium alloys have taken over from many other metals in a wide range of areas. Besides the physical properties of Aluminium, listed at the top of the page, it has other advantages that othere metals do not. ![]() ![]() ![]() Other advantages of Aluminium include :
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Recycling Of AluminiumIn many peoples eyes the most important fact about Aluminium is that it is completely recycleable, and it has to be said that this is a huge advantage. In today's society where saving the enviornment and the Ozone layer is so important, a metal that can be recycled with no loss of properties is invaluable. There are many recycling bins around Ireland for Aluminium cans. These cans are re-melted and then reused. This process uses less power than converting the Aluminium from Bauxite, so the Ozone layer gains, and because this Aluminium did not have to be mined, the enviornment gains. ![]() The world's industry produces around 22 million tonnes of
primary Aluminium a year, (that is Aluminium from the
mines). And for every tonne of Aluminium 4 tonnes of Bauxite must be mined.
In addition to primary production, more than 7 million
tonnes per annum of Aluminium is produced from recycled
scrap. The proportion of aluminium produced from scrap (so
called secondary aluminium) is rising rapidly.