Technical Graphics - The Basics - Angles
It is very important to be able to draw angles in Technical
Graphics. With your set squares sitting on your T-square you can
four commonly used angles. These are 30°, 45°, 60° and
90°. You can see these below.
These are the basic angles and are easy
to create using the set squares in the different orientations shown.
Always make sure that the T-square is flush with the side of the
drawing board and that the set squares are flush with the T-square.
Named Angles
Acute Angle
This is any angle which is between 0° and 90° exclusive. |
Right Angle
This is an angle which is exactly 90°.
Straight Angle
This is an angle which is exactly 180°. |
Obtuse Angle
This is an angle which is between 90° and 180° exclusive. |
Reflex Angle
This is an angle which is greater than 180°. |